Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winter's Broke

Poor grammar aside...we enjoyed a very welcome melt down. Parking lots that were veritable ice rinks and huge piles of snow clogging intersections and driveways are reduced to mud and slush -- so much better than frozen dirt, slippery pavement, and snow -- sort of.  Across the fields plenty of white can still be seen, but it's crusty and sparse. More grass is visible than snow. The thermometer hit 59 degrees yesterday. Harbingers of spring teasing the daylights out of us. Today, down to the 20's. Brrrr. During those two warm days I didn't hear any spring peepers.. So even though it seems winter's broke...I know it'll gather itself back up...won't be on its way out of town till about the end of March. Nice break though.
French Creek fertilizing our back field -- the flats.
For short periods of time every year, winter/spring meltdowns makes ours a river-front property. When it all settles, the creek bank is just beyond that tree line. A lovely walk across the field to have a picnic, launch a canoe, build a fire and roast marshmallows. Hope springs eternal.

1 comment:

Lisa Vella said...

Lovely enough to have come straight from the pages of a great work of literature! Your writing is beautiful, Betsy!