Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rainy Day

I'm not complaining. Watching the news I wouldn't dare complain -- my heart goes out to all those people who have been evacuated. I'm so sorry for what they'll have to return to...devastation. The storm is heading our way but it'll be nothing more than rain and wind by the time it gets here. We're supposed to have rain all week long. Still, I'm not complaining.

It was in the 70's today and rather muggy. Tom couldn't work outside so he helped with housework. Good deal for me! Then in the afternoon we went for a swim. After a few laps in the pouring rain, I thought, gee I better get out, I'm getting all wet! Wait a minute???

Yeah, that's right I usually do get all wet when I swim, so???? Swim away. It was really refreshing and invigorating. And considering the alternative...I certainly wasn't going to get exercise by going for a walk!

Now off to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday. I can't wait. Church is awesome, good friends, good times sharing and singing and always a good message. It's refreshing to be together with church family in God's presence. I bet He likes it as much as we do! I hope our worship makes God smile tomorrow. Maybe my anticipation is making Him smile even now.

Good night all.

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