Thursday, May 6, 2021

Blogspot! My Dear Old Friend

 I got a new computer, several months back, and whaddya know? Word Press locked me out. Sort of. Kind of. Well, at least it seems that way. I can still see my site, but when I log in it tells me I don't have any sites, and yet I'm welcome to create one. There's my picture, there's my email address, my log in works, but no sites for me. Never mind I had two Word Press Sites, for years, and now you tell me, nope we don't know you. What? I realize I've been remiss, but come on, what did you do with all those posts of mine on two different Word Press sites?

I know these are questions for Word Press, but when I opened up this dear old Blogspot site and they let me in--well I'm feeling like--here's the real friend. A friend who sticks closer than a sibling! A very dear old friend. 

It surely must have felt like I dissed you as I skipped on over to Word Press. But, there you stood, all this time--holding the bag! 

The bag containing my past posts, my thoughts, my dreams, my rants, and my joys, you kept them and waited. You must have known I'd see the light and come back. Here I am.  And here you are. 

Faithful as the grape hyacinths who lie quietly hidden through three full season every year,  Then comes spring, and there they are in all their glory. They waited until we needed to see their happy colors. I don't deserve the repeat gift of their beauty every April and May. I don't do a thing to make it happen. Yet, they remain steadfast, and faithful, and constant--blooming right on schedule in the springtime. I just look out my window and there they are.

That's how it seems to be with you, my dear Blogspot. I just clicked, looked, and there you were. Steadfast, constant, faithful. Thanks old friend. I appreciate you.

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