Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

All of the calamities of the last blog are under control, old news, last month's woes. This month on the other hand has trouble of its own. But the good news is that there's a lot more good, fun, wonderful stuff than bad, sad, unpleasant stuff.

September looks like this so far:

I've done an experimental stint working at the church 3 mornings a week. I like it. And, I'm back to babysitting -- only one day a week, two children. Audrey, who is 3, has a new baby sister. Two little sweeties to look after. It really makes for a perfect baby fix.

Tom survived another school opening with only minimal stress. SWEET!

Melanie came home from Connecticut to look for a wedding gown. I got to go along with her mom and 2 bridesmaids to the Bridal Elegance shop. Mel tried on all the dresses we could possibly bring to her -- and she made every single one of them look fabulous. But there was one, one special dress. One dress that brought tears to the eyes. Yep, that's the one! It's gorgeous, she's gorgeous in it...SWEET!

The next day we were invited to a family picnic at Mel's parents' house. And SURPRISE! David was there. SWEET! (He flew to Erie, spent the Labor Day weekend here and he and Melanie drove back.)

My dear friend Beth came to visit (haven't seen her in years) with her daughter and twin grandsons. Pix to follow, and they are... Really Sweet!

Aaron & Amy came to visit with our most adorable grandchild. We had a fabulous couple of days that included shopping (got some cute maternity clothes!), looking at little kid table and chair sets, lunching out, then a spin through the Erie Zoo. Pix to follow, and they are also... Really Sweet.

Meanwhile the guys had some good fishin' days. Aaron spent one day on French Creek with his buddy Matt. Then on Saturday he and Tom floated downstream and caught a five pound walleye and a big bass. (Pix to follow. Yeah, yeah, I'm really going to have to get those pictures downloaded.)

Isn't that a whole lotta good stuff? And after counting all those blessings, the bad stuff doesn't seem worth mentioning.

But for those who bum knee is getting better everyday.

1 comment:

Brian said...

count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. How true that is. Even in times when things are not going smoothly we can still have joy in seeing what God is able to accomplish.