Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month)

What??? Again? Yes, it's November again and for me and my writing group that means Nanowrimo. I went to the Nano site and updated my information. They've given me badges for important things like filling out my profile, creating my novel, getting myself some writing buddies, and donating money to the cause.

Donate_earned Profile_earned Novel_earned Buddy_earned
Is it just me, or does the red one look like a couple of  Eggo waffles popping out of a toaster? I know, I know, you don't often see single slot toasters, but still. I'm tickled to have such a lovely line up of colorful badges. Now the hard work begins. I'll need to write nearly 2000 words a day, give or take 300 and allowing for a day off here and there, namely Thanksgiving Day.

Without my writing group -- of which I am the senior most member -- I don't think I'd have the motivation to make a commitment to Nano this year. They are leading me with their enthusiasm and exuberance! I don't want to be left in the dust (there's that teensy weensy competitive streak I've got) and I surely don't want to disappoint. 

I've technically been a Nano winner two years in a row, but I've not done anything toward editing the two books I've written. This year will be different. That's my promise to myself.

So the count down begins... 26 hours, give or take a few minutes. And then, buckle up it might be a bumpy ride. Here we go.


Sarah Rose said...

So happy we are on this journey together.

Kristine Riddle said...

I'm excited about your new book! Maybe more excited than I am about my own idea...
I'm glad we are all doing this together -- I think it's going to be amazing.