If I don't take a few minutes to blog about Christmas I'll miss the window all together! It was just as holidays should be -- filled with family, friends and fun with just a bit of traveling thrown in. (The best excuse I have for not blogging. I didn't send cards this year either, but I don't have a good excuse for that yet. Don't worry, I'll think of one.)
On Christmas eve we hosted the annual party, a holiday get-together which has been a tradition for more than 30 years. It started with just ourselves and the Shaffers. Both of us far away from family, wanting to keep our kids home for Christmas morning, but finding out that made for a lonely Christmas eve! So began the tradition -- my dear friend Nadine would ready her house and plan fabulous hors d'oeuvres. Gary built fires in both the fireplace and the woodstove. We would eat and sing Christmas carols, enjoy each other's company and try to keep the kids reasonably settled. Our small group grew to include the Fergusons who didn't have family nearby either. And then the Thayers, Parsons, Thumms joined us. This year (and last) our pastor and his family joined in. Some of our kids are married and having kids and our gathering continues to grow.
A couple of years ago we decided my house had more room for parking outside, and maybe a bit more room for people inside, so the party changed venue but stayed the same. The deal used to be Christmas eve at Deenie's, Christmas dinner at Betsy's. That's reversed now. Let me tell you how nice it was to laze around all day on the 25th and then go over to my friend's house to eat. Nadine is like a sister, a really, really good sister. I have some great sisters, but Deenie, she's a friend who sticks close like a sister. Don't think I don't know how lucky I am!
Enough talk -- here's a glimpse of the fun.

Next blog will cover our family Christmas party at my brother's house in the Poconos!